Several images of Mitchell
  • Several images of Mitchell

Achieving a goal or a dream takes persistence. If your goal is to, say, break through a block of granite, you would not be able to break through it immediately. You’d have to begin with chipping away at it. As you chip away, you are doing all you can in that moment and with each moment passing until, thousands of chips later, maybe tens of thousands, you eventually break through the granite.

The unfolding of time is there to show us that anything is possible with enough continual power and action behind it. We and all humans are dreamers and makers of amazing magnitude and power. Yet, unlike in our dreams where anything is possible and immediately so, the physical world which we find ourselves in now is ultimately chained and bound by time and space, fooling us into thinking that things are just the way they are, or fixed and solid. Yet, they are not. As quantum physics is now beginning to prove, thanks to the pioneering work of Einstein, life and matter are fluid and always moving alongside our thoughts, feelings and actions. Luckily, our highest hopes and goals aren’t usually as boring or tedious as breaking through a block of granite, so they will likely be a bit more exciting than just whacking away at what appears to be a solid object, but you see the metaphor. 

Great words like persistence get used a lot, and therefore, like any commonly used word, they often get taken for granted and weighed down by differing interpretations or cliches. However, persistence is possibly the most important word in terms of achieving important ideals, goals, or dreams in your life. No matter the circumstances, we have the power of will and creativity to solve problems and achieve what seem like impossible feats and dreams. This is true not only true on a personal level, but also collectively as well, where humanity can dream to end war and poverty and eventually be successful. Amid the many challenges and obstacles we face in life, remember that all is possible and to chip away with patience and persistence.

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3 thoughts on “Persistence

  1. Andrew Metge 9 years ago

    I have not checked in here for some time since I thought it was getting boring, but the last several posts are good quality so I guess I will add you back to my daily bloglist. You deserve it my friend 🙂

    1. Doc 9 years ago

      What an awesome way to explain this-now I know evehitryng!

  2. Honeysuckle 9 years ago

    The puecahsrs I make are entirely based on these articles.